May Trip Report
May Trip Report
That makes two great trips in a row, and this past weekend was even better then the first because we got out in the gulf both Saturday and Sunday and the seas were almost flat. On the first dive at the Strength we had about 30ft. of visibility and everyone got a good look at a Great Barracuda. We jumped over to Span 12 for the second dive and ran into the resident Goliath Grouper. Sunday we dove the Bart and watched the deckhand tie in at 45ft. from the surface. The water was just beautiful and the divers again got a chance to see Goliath Groupers, this time one huge one and one medium sized. The last dive was on Stage 2, not one of my favorites but hey any dive is a good dive. We also have three new Open Water Divers, John Cefalu, James Schoeberl and Travis Hackworth. Congratulation and best wishes for a long and exciting dive career.

Great Barracuda Stock Photo

Goliath Grouper Stock Photo