Dive Season
Dive Season

The dive season is rapidly approaching, it’s been a mild winter and spring is almost here. This year don’t wait until the last minute to get your equipment prepared. If you stored your gear away for the winter now would be a great time to take it out and inspect it. Check the soft goods (mask, fins, snorkels ect.) for dry rot and cracking. Try your wetsuit on, as we get older and exercise less that neoprene seems to shrink and if it doesn’t feel spongy anymore it’s probably time to upgrade to a new one. Regulators need to be serviced every year and yes I know there’s some people that don’t but at 100ft. do you really want to play Russian Roulette, plus having them serviced every year prolongs the life of the regulator and keeps it working at factory specifications. Inspect your BCD make sure it still holds air. Hook your regs and BC up to a tank and make sure the inflator mechanism is free and doesn’t stick. Uncontrolled ascents are extremely dangerous and a sticky inflator valve is one of the leading causes. Check your dive computers battery and if in doubt replace it. Nothing is more annoying then getting ready to dive and finding out your computer won’t come on or is flashing low battery. Now is a great time to bring your regs, computer and BCD in for servicing before the spring rush comes.
We have changed the April certification trip to the 13th through the 15th of the month. The offshore trip schedule for certified divers is done and is now posted on the website calender here. Last call for the Bonaire trip in April for information click here. There’s still time to sign up for the Blackbeard’s trip in July but the window is closing quickly for more information click this link.